02 July, 2009

Mama Duck

Last Thursday we went to the park on Lake Lily. Luke Michael had been down the slide several times when I saw him squating down and looking under the slide. I went to see what had his attention and there was a mother duck sitting there surrounded by lots of downy feathers. Of course I didn't have my camera with me so wanted to go back, but it took a week before we went again. Sure enough Mama Duck was still there and someone had put up a sign to warn people, but I think she is determined. At one point she changed positions and I counted 9 eggs in the nest. Actually it was Luke Michael who discovered the eggs. He would go look under the slide each time after he slid down and suddenly I heard him calling, "egg, egg," and sure enough there were eggs. Unfortunately we probably won't get to see the ducklings since I am leaving tomorrow for England, but maybe Tamara will take him to the park on one of her days off. (I almost said in her spare time, but I'm sure she doesn't even know what that means with her busy schedule.)

1 comment:

Hope said...

Bon Voyage! Have a safe trip.