17 July, 2009

Quick word from England

Haven't figured out how to get my pictures onto Alina's computer so this will just be a quick update without pictures.  The weather has been quite good by English standards--rainy but with sunny patches in between.  I am enjoying working in Alina's "English Country Garden".  It's well grown and just needs tiding up around the edges.  The number of birds that come to their bird feeder and back yard is amazing.  Every thing from small wrens and finches to spotted woodpeckers, green woodpeckers and even parrots.  Alina was calling them parakeets but I think the British word parakeet has a different meaning than the American one.  Since Alina and Nick have been working I've been enjoying my meals at Kirsten and Carl's and helping in their garden some.  They have been in their house longer and were used to having a big back yard so don't need that much done.  Kirsten has a wonderful little vegetable patch.  When I went to dinner the other night I got to dig my own potatoes.  We have also had zucchini fresh from the garden.  She will have corn on the cob soon.  I do need to get a picture of her garden because she ran out of manure when she got to one corner and the 4 corn stalks that are there are pitiful compared to all the rest.  Guess that about brings everyone up to date for those that aren't on Facebook.  Pictures when I get back to my own computer.

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