29 October, 2008

Dragon Fly

The other day when Luke Michael and I were at the play ground there were hundreds of dragon flys buzzing around . I decided to try and take a picture and actually took several but only one came out looking like a dragon fly, so I thought I would share it. Of course if I had a fancy camera with a telephoto lens it would be clearer, but I probably wouldn't be able to operate such a camera. We are enjoying some cooler weather here. It's only in the sixties during the day and actually got down to the low 40's at night. I just hope it doesn't freeze while I'm at Tamara's because I'm worried about my pineapple plants.


Karl said...

When I expand the picture, I can see the supports in the dragonfly's wings; that is pretty impressive for the action shot you describe. I am curious about the darker structure near its abdomen. It looks like it extends out from the body more than I would have thought. Is it blurring of the insect's legs?

Oma/Marion said...

I think it is part of the body. There were at least a hundred of them flying around but most of them had those box like things as part of their bodies. It's not the legs. I'll have to study up on dragon flys. I just kept snapping pictures hoping I would get something and I did get one.

CAPII said...

Throw an old sheet (not plastic) over the plants, they will survive.

CAPII said...


I forgot to add that the dragon fly looks like a World War I biplane coming in for an attack. Be careful.