This picture is for all of you who were at the corn roast in Granville this summer. Bill has a picture of Will sitting on top of the slide in the back yard. He estimated that the slide was about 55 years old. Try 62. This picture was taken when Edward was about a year old, so 1946, Bill and I are also in the picture. We were still living in Pleasant Valley and the slide was probably new. They sure don't make them like that any more. The only thing wrong with the slide is that the legs at the bottom are missing so the slide itself sits on the ground. I seem to remember that those legs got damaged, probably while we still lived in Pleasant Valley by someone plowing snow. So that would have been before 1952. Once we moved to Granville the slide was always in the back yard and there was no snow plowing done there. Wonder who made that red slippery slide? This one would make a good advertisement for the company.
Got any pictures of Binky on the slide. Binky was a goat. I don't recall that Binky made the trip to Granville. Wonder what happened to Binky? Did he/she become a meal? Recalling Mother's exceptional skill at butchering Bee-Bee it is a distinct possibility. If the economy keeps going south it may be worth considering buying a goat to keep the lawn trimmed and the freezer full.
Yes, I actually do have a picture of Binky on the slide. It is at home but I will scan it in this week-end and post it on the blog. I can't remember if Binky went to Granville, but I'm quite sure that we didn't eat her. I don't believe we ever ate any of the goats we had. I doubt if we would have eaten Bee-Bee except she hung herself and couldn't be wasted. She was no longer good for wool so she became meat. If the economy keeps going south we may end up eating squirrels.
The recipe for squirrel stew is on Alina's blog.
Where did we all (Pratts) get the white hair gene? I think I lost mine about 5-6 years old, but Mike never did!
Oops. It has returned!
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