01 October, 2008

The Water Tower

Not only have we sold Mother and Dad's house next door to mine, but they are building a new firehouse and are planning to sell the property in back of me. There is a monumont right next to my property to the members of the Ground Observer Corp who watched for enemy planes and submarines during World War II. I'm hoping that they are not planning to move this monument since it gives me a little protection. I'm sure the reason the monument is there is because there used to be a water tower right next to the firehouse and I'm sure they used it when they were looking for planes and submarines. However, I have yet to find anyone in New Smyrna Beach who remembers the water tower. After going through a lot of Aunt Ginnies old pictures I finally found a couple. The first one was taken in 1954 and has Mom Pratt standing by 301 South Pine Street. The other was taken in 1973 when they were taking the tower down. On Friday I'm going to take these pictures and have copies made from them to donate to the museum. I'm trying to quietly build my case if they ever decide to move the monument. Kay and I visited Aunt Ginnie in 1962 and they were repairing the water tower. The men up there doing the repairs kept singing "everybody's going out and having fun, I'm a fool for staying home and having none." I can't believe we didn't take any pictures then since we were very interested in those young men up there working and singing.


CAPII said...

Has the monument been registered in a National Registry? I forgot to check to see if there is a number on it. If it is registered, it might be difficult to have moved.

I'll look through our pictures for the 'tower'. I think we have a few of the 'old bridge' that we fished from.

Anonymous said...

Marion, Like we talked about when I was down for Grandmas memorial before Christmas you might also talk to the people whom tke care of the monument. Think there name is on the grounds. Mike

Anonymous said...

I remember the water tower.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Diet Coke add!