02 September, 2008

First Days of School

Today is the first day of school this year for Alex and Samantha. I think it is the first 1st day that I have missed since Alex started kindergarten. So, here are a few "First Day" memories.
Today is the first day of school

this year for Alex and Samantha.

I think it is the first 1st day of

school I've missed since Alex

started kindergarten. So, here

are a few "First Day" memories.

Today is the first day of school this year for Alex and Samantha. I think it is the first 1st day of school I've missed since Alex started kindergarten. So, here are a few "First Day" memories.


Anonymous said...

I can remember that 'boekentas'. It was red. After that I had an orange one.
Good luck in High School Alex!!

Anonymous said...

Yes - I remember them too because I usually inherited the ones you had!!! BTW - Alex is in his second year of High School already.