18 September, 2008

Early morning truck ride

I know you have all seen Luke Michael and his pink swim cap on Tamara's blog, but this morning he was hardly out of bed when he found the pink cap. LD had gone out to let the dogs out and Luke Michael opened the sliding glass door and went out and hopped on his truck, Sponge Bob pajamas, pink swim cap and all. The dogs always move out of his way when they see him on the truck. They were already on the other side of the fence but even the cat got out of his chair and jumped over the fence. That tells you a lot about Luke Michaels truck driving.

1 comment:

Cindy Koch said...

When Erik was two I took him to buy new shoes. He picked out a beautiful pair of ballet pink leather shoes. I made him get the blue ones. I regretted that. Pink, blue who cares in preschool? I did let him wear hair bows to preschool and the teachers were very nice about it! So I love Luke's outfit!