23 September, 2008

Since I forgot my camera yesterday when Luke Michael and I went on adventures I've decided to copy Karl and use an "oldy but goody" picture. Just incase anyone was wondering what speedos looked like in the good old days. This is a picture of my grandfather Pratt back in the 1930's or 40's ready for a swim. The picture was taken in Royalston, Massachusetts.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Cap to me.

Karl said...

Judging by the car in the background, I would guess it is late 1930's to 1940's. How old would you guess he is in the picture? I would estimate in his late 60's early 70's. He appears in excellent health. Is it possible to get a little more detail from the picture? It might be fun to determine the make, model, and year of the car.

What was he doing in Royalston? Were they on vacation? Was he retired or still working? What did he do for a living?

I really enjoy the posting-old-photos aspect of blogging. Thanks for sending the pictures.

CAPII said...

I might have a date on the picture. I'll check tonight. Marion gave me this picture when we gathered at "old Lilacs' to scan.

Bill- can't be me, no cab or Miller Lite!

Oma/Marion said...

Pop Pratt (which is what we called him) was born in 1884, so he would have been in his mid to late 50's I'd say. He had a cousin, I think, Ruth Spencer, who had a place in Royalston so they were there on vacation or for a week end. When I was a little kid they drove a white Ford and it kind of looked like the one in the picture. Pop never drove, Mom always did the driving. It was the same car that they drove to Florida in 1954. Cap, when I cropped the picture you sent me to cut out that one picture I lost all the others. For some reason the cropped picture replaced the original. I'm not used to cropping on this computer yet.
Back to Karl's questions, he was still working because he retired in the early 50's. Cap can better tell you what he did for a living. He worked for Plax Corporation, the same place my father worked. You're right Cap, you would never have found any kind of beer in a picture of Pop or Mom. Guess they didn't know what they were missing:>)

Anonymous said...

Looks like Carl in cycling shorts!