Well, Alex and Samantha are off to school and I'm still waiting for Luke Michael to wake up so I can put on my catchers mask and start my day. Samantha seems to think one needs to wear a helmet to protect you from flying objects, but I worry more about my glasses.
I was looking at my pictures, but most of my pictures are on my desk top computer in New Smyrna, so, I decided to post this picture from the past. I was seven years old and had just skipped second grade and gone into third. Bad move. I never caught up socially, but who knows, maybe I never would have caught up socially. It is one of the few picture of myself as a child that I can look at without cringing. Usually my hair had been tied up in rags the night before and I had all this curly out of control hair that I didn't think looked nice at all. The jumper was either blue or green. I had one of each and mostly that is what I wore to school with a different blouse under it. I hated third grade because all of my friends were in second grade and even played on a different play ground. I remember going to school all excited to be in second grade and when I got there they put me into the third grade room. It seems my mother didn't want me in the same class room with Billy, who was entering first grade and since I could already read well it was decided to move me, however I was not consulted nor prepared for the move. I just found out when I got to school and picked out my second grade desk. Mrs. Parsons was the third grade teacher and she was old and ready to retire and was not nice. Mrs. Eddy was the first and second grade teacher and was nice. I didn't enjoy school again until 5th grade when I had a new teacher called Michael Halpin. He was let go after his first year in that school. I was never told why even though my mother was on the board of education that helped make the decision. From there he taught in an American school in England and he still lives in England and I still correspond with him at Christmas. I really enjoyed that year in school, but I haven't found any pictures of it. That will be for another day.
I wonder why they didn't want you and Bill in the same classroom.
My mother afraid I would boss him around too much or some such thing. As far as I remember for most of my life, except for being born first, he was the leader and I was the follower.
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